What is a Calorie:
- Calorie is the unit of energy found in food.
- This energy is obtained when your body breaks down food and uses it to perform your daily activities.
- Our specific individual calorie needs depends on several factors such as our activity level and metabolism.
Foods & Calories:
1 Gram of Carbohydrates or proteins produce 4 Calories. Where as 1 gram of Fat / Alcohol gives us lots of calories.
How are food calories measured?
- Typically food calories are measured in laboratory using a device called Bomb Calorimeter.
- When you place food in this box, the food is burned up and the heat that is produced determines the amount of calories contained in that food.
Empty Calories:
- Empty calories have the same energy content like any other calories but lacks nutrients such as fiber, Vitamins and Minerals.
- Table sugar and alcohol are the top Empty Calorie foods.
- They are high in calories and have very low nutritional values.
In my next blog, I will discuss few interesting things about calories and tips about managing your calories effectively.