Thursday, 20 November 2014

Why are Vitamins and Minerals Important?

Your body must have the right amount of vitamins and minerals for:
  • Normal growth
  • Metabolism (Creating energy in the cells)
  • General Health

The key is balanced Nutrition- the right amounts of each vitamin and mineral in the right balance.

The Average Person:

The average person can get their recommended amounts for vitamins and minerals simply by eating a reasonable diet containing whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
The Average Person is:
  • An adult younger than 60
  • In good health
  • With perfect digestion
  • Slim
  • Totally Stress- Free
  • Free of any sort of medical problem
  • Not taking any medicines

How much do we need:

  • The amount that government bodies recommend you consume in your diet is set at a level where most individuals will get all the nutrients they need.
  • This level is not the minimum to prevent disease but somewhat higher, and it can be used in school feeding programs and food labeling.
  • Not too much and not too little, but a proper balance of vitamins and minerals is required. 

Preserve the Vitamins and Minerals while cooking:

  • To get the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals, eat a variety of grains , vegetables, fruits and beans.
  • But in today’s busy schedule, if we are not eating the required amount of fruits and vegetables, take supplements to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Minerals - Blog 2

In my earlier blog, I have mentioned about Trace and Major minerals. In this blog I will discuss about few Minerals.


  • Calcium is a Major Mineral.
  • It is one of the most abundant mineral in our body. 
  • It is the major requirement for healthy bones and teeth.
  • We can get Calcium from Milk, Dairy Products, Green, leafy vegetables, Supplements etc.


  • Iron is a Trace Mineral.
  • Iron is needed to carry oxygen in our blood. 
  • Iron can be found in animal foods like chicken, beef  and pork and plant foods like Whole grains, peas, spinach , beans etc
If you don’t get enough Iron:
It can lead to low blood counts, especially in young Women. 


  • Potassium is a Major Mineral.
  • Most people don’t get as much potassium as they should, in part, because they don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables.
  • It helps the central nervous system send its impulses throughout the body.
  • Helps to efficiently extract energy from food
  • Helps muscles to contract properly.


  • Sodium is a Major Mineral.
  • Salt is sodium chloride.
  • Sodium is an important mineral, but most of us eat excess sodium, which isn’t healthy.


  • Magnesium is a Major Mineral.
  • Every single cell in our body needs magnesium to produce energy. 
  • Magnesium plays an important role in muscle relaxation, bone and teeth strengthening etc.
  • Magnesium helps in proper functioning of muscles.


  • Selenium is a Trace Mineral.
  • It is important to support anti oxidant function in our body. 
  • The amount of selenium in fruits and vegetables depends upon the selenium in the soil in which they were grown.


  • Phosphorous is a Major Mineral.
  • About 85% of the phosphorous can be found in bones and teeth. 
  • But it is also available in cells and tissues through out the body. 
  • Phosphorous is found in protein rich foods.


  • Chromium is a Trace Mineral.
  • Chromium burns fat for energy.
  • It helps in controlling the use of glucose.


  • Strengthens your immune system and helps in healthy growth.
  • Zinc is essential for healthy smell and taste.