What are Macronutrients?
Nutrients are environmental substances used for energy, growth, and
bodily functions by organisms.
on the nutrient, these substances are needed in small amounts or larger
amounts. Those that are needed in large amounts are called Macronutrients.
There are three macronutrients
required by humans.
- Carbohydrates (sugar)
- Lipids (fats)
- Proteins
In today’s blog I am discussing about
Carbohydrates are source of quick
energy. You need to eat carbohydrates everyday to provide your body with energy
in the form of glucose in the blood.
But we need to distinguish between
good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates.
Good Carbohydrates
- Good Carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly. It takes the body more time to break down good carbohydrates, there by blood sugar levels will be more sustained and energy levels will be maintained.
- Good Carbohydrates are generally less / not processed foods.
- Good Carbohydrates contains more fibre, which helps in good digestion.
Good Carbohydrates becomes Bad Carbohydrates
through refining process.
Nutrients and Fibre are stripped when
Bad Carbohydrates
- Bad Carbohydrates quickly raise blood sugar levels.
- Bad Carbohydrates contains less nutritional value and they are mostly processed foods.
- Bad Carbohydrates are absorbed quickly by body, thereby increasing the blood sugar levels rapidly.
- Bad Carbohydrates have lot of calories or hidden fats. It doesn’t have enough fibre.
So try avoiding bad Carbohydrates and increase
the intake of good carbohydrates.